PVC pipe accounts for 75percent of the pressure reticulation pipelines being installed in Australia today and over 90percent of the sewer reticulation pipelines. 1
PVC pipes should be considered for water supply pipeline projects because they outperform alternative materials in performance and cost effectiveness. Their smooth bore allows high flow rates. They are corrosion proof and easy to handle, transport and install. PVC pipes have a proven track record of excellent long-term performance and offer extended, trouble free service life.
PVC pipes save water and sewer utilities substantial amounts by reducing water loss and ingress into sewer systems. Gasket joints provided with PVC pipes are manufactured and tested to perform without any leakage. The zero-leakage PVC joints enable sewer utilities to dramatically reduce wet weather inflows and avoid unnecessary treatment costs. Studies from both Australia and overseas have consistently shown that PVC pipes have the lowest failure rates of all pipe types. Similarly, water utilities have reported much lower unaccounted for water losses where systems comprised of PVC pipes.
1. The complete guide to pipe selection for Trenchless Projects, Trenchless Australiasia, July 2014 http://www.trenchless-australasia.com/shop/the_complete_guide_to_pipe_selection_for_trenchless_projects/087989/